Monday, August 29, 2011

Back in Black

Painting the frame with DuPont Imron Industrial Hot Rod Black Enamel.  8/29/2011.

Jolly Green Giant Frame

Priming the frame with metal etching primer.  8/29/11.

Ready for Paint

I finished sandblasting and prepping the frame for paint.  8/29/2011.

Axle Removal

I needed to flip the frame over to finish sandblasting, so I had to first remove the axles.  8/26/2011.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sand in my pants

I started sandblasting the frame today.  I recently got a new pressurized sandblaster and it worked great.  It took it down to bare metal very easily.  Next step is to remove the axles and flip it over to do the bottom.  8/14/2011

Watch Dog Washing

The shop shut down temporarily so we could give the watch dog a hair cut and bath.  Work resumed the next day...  7/31/2011

Screw Loose

Removing the running boards, pittman arm, and steering box.  7/31/2011

Full of hot air

My old Craftsman air compressor finally quit.  I plan to rebuild it, but needed something bigger to push a good sized sand blaster.  This did the trick.  8/2/2011

Get the cab out of my way

After helping a friend with a 1967 Ford Mustang that was caught in a brush fire, I am back working on my truck.  I moved the cab onto my trailer to get more working room.  Since the truck is old it was only fitting to use a chain hoist that was at least as old.  Brad brought it back from Schulenberg and it worked perfectly! 
